Introduction to Public Speaking

Introduction to Public Speaking

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Public Speaking is very much a performance, whether we like to think of that or not. It’s also one of those things that can make many of us very very nervous, and immediately raise our heart rate.

In this video series, Tap In! Founder Amrita Tripathi, a former news anchor and broadcast journalist who’s been an invited speaker on hundreds of panels, shares some of her key tips — from understanding your audience and establishing that connection, to easy exercises to practise, based on her own experience. The good news is, every single one of us can improve at Public Speaking, with practice!


In this short video module, designed for those of you who are busy and on the go, we will be sharing tried-and-tested tips which should come in handy whether you are making a presentation to senior management, clients or an audience in a lecture hall. From understanding that the most important part of the whole experience is the audience and your connection with the audience, to learning what the panic-inducing things are (and how to minimise them!) Finish up the quiz at the end and earn some great bonus points.