Tap In: Women in STEM

Tap In: Women in STEM

As part of our deep-dive with leaders, we kick off a short video module on Women in STEM. There’s no such thing as a gender that is more qualified for STEM, Tap In mentor and senior tech leader Uche Adegbite shares. She talks about how to show up as the best candidate for a job in this volatile job market, how to be someone who opens doors for other women, and critically, how she uses fear to propel herself forward. 

As you watch this video, think about:

  • Stereotypes you may have had to face, whether in STEM or in another industry 
  • How do you motivate yourself to be proactive and take advantage of opportunities
  • How do you look past biases and other people’s conditioning
  • How to build alliances and make the most of communities and networks